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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

John Wiley & sons, Idea group publications

As we have given you the direct download links for e-books download it will be efficient and time saving if you RIGHT CLICK on the link followed by 'Save target as' so that the download starts directly.........

Name Size
john wiley & sons - javascript in 10 steps or less.zip 7360 KB
john wiley & sons - leap! a revolution in cr??ive business strategy.pdf 2040 KB
john wiley & sons - linux for dummies, 6th edition.zip 6288 KB
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john wiley & sons - mobile and wireless design essentials.chm 4260 KB
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john wiley & sons - mysql_php database applications, second edition.pdf 5597 KB
john wiley & sons - parallel computing on heterogeneous clusters.chm 5317 KB
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john wiley & sons - photoshop cs all-in-one de??reference for dummies.pdf 27170 KB
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john wiley & sons - php and mysql for dummies, second edition.zip 3644 KB